Mastercam x5
Mastercam x5

mastercam x5


Mastercam X5 MU1 will replace the "Mastercam X5" entry in Add/Remove Programs (Programs and Features in Windows Vista and Windows 7).


\Documentation\ExampleParts folder of your Mastercam installation.This install is designed to run on top of Mastercam X5.  You must have installed your Mastercam X5 product s.  You must be comfo rtable using the Windows® operating system. To complet e these tutorials, you should meet the following requireme nts:

mastercam x5

TutorialRequirements Many chap ters in this book contain short tutorials on new features in Mastercam X5. For exam ple, the Mill Level 1 Enhancements chapter discusses new functional ity that you can access in Mastercam X5 Mill Level 1 or higher. Each chapt er’s title corresponds to the Mastercam produ ct that contains theįeatu res. Note: Some of the options shown in the Wha t’s New dialog box are only available if you have certain products enabled on your Mastercam SIM.īefore You Begin Wha t’s New in Mastercam X5 outlines the new featu res in each Mastercam product level. To get back to this dialog box at any time, choose Help, What’s New from the Mastercam menu. By clicking on topics on the left side of the dialog box, you can see examples of new featu res, watch videos, and learn the basics about all Mastercam X5 has to offer. You can quickly access some of Mastercam X5’s new and exciting featu res through the Wha t’s New dialog box that displays the first time you sta rt Mastercam X5. We are sure that you will benef it from what Mastercam X5 has to offer you and your shop. Introduction Welcome to Mastercam X5! Mastercam X5 featu res a new sui te of CAD/CAM tools focused on delivering speed and efficiency for your machin ing jobs. 135  N C ISupportfor New Wire Power Libraries. 134  20800 NCILine for M ultiaxisComp in Control. 131  Eject StockOptionfor Lathe 903 Line. 131 N C ILinesfor TransformCustom Parameters. 129  Exportto 256-Color GrayscaleImages. 117  PlungeParameters - Front ClearanceAngle. 105  Tutorial:Creatingplunge turn toolpaths.105  Stock Eject Optionfor ChuckMiscellaneousOperations. 102  W CS Support for ATP SinglePart Processing.

mastercam x5

101 ImportingSolids into ToolpathNesting. M ill Level3 Enhancements.81 New 3D HSTToolpaths.81  Solid ChainSupportin MultiaxisToolpaths.85  New MultiaxisToolpaths.86  ImprovedMultiaxisToolpathInterface.88  Tutorial:Creatinga multiaxistoolpath.88  M ill Level1 Enhancements.49 New 2D HSTToolpaths.49  Tutorial:Creatingdynamic area mill and core milltoolpaths.50  Tutorial:Creatinga dynamiccontourtoolpath.58  Island Facing in 2D HSTToolpaths.64  C ircleM illImprovements.65  TransformToolpath Enhancements.66  FB MM ill.74  FBMD rill.77  46  Offsetand ProfileToleranceControlsMoved.46  36  Mastercam Machine Simulation.37  Tutorial:Using machine simulation.38  UnselectingPoints in D rillPoint Selection.42  Setup Sheet/ActiveReportsImprovements.43  DefaultSetting for LockingFeed Rates. General Mill Enhancements.35 New ToolLibraryFormat.35  ToolAssemblies. 30 ĮnteringQuickArc Diameters.30  Tutorial:Creatinga circle based on a tap size.30  ImprovedBolt CircleCreation.32  25  Tutorial:Analyzingdraft angles and part curvature. 21  Tutorial:Creatinga circularsolid pattern. 17  Tutorial:Setting colors for solid faces and features. 9  Tutorial:Creatinga new view using DynamicPlane. 7  Separate Installationfor Mastercam Art. Ww w.maste rca egal/l icenseag reeme nt/Ĭ ontents Introduction.


The Mastercam End User License Agreement can also be found at:

mastercam x5

A copy of the Mastercam End User License Agreement is included with the Mastercam produ ct package of which this document is part. Use of this docu ment is subject to the Mastercam End User License Agreement. First Printing: September 2010 Software: Mastercam X5 Part Numbe r: X5-What's New Mastercam® X5 WHAT’S NEW IN MAS TERCAM X5 Date: Septem ber 2010 - Rev 1 October 2010 Copyright © 2010 CNC Softwa re, Inc.- All rights rese rve d. The ReadMe file (ReadMe.htm) includes the latest informati on about new features and enhance ments. The latest version of this document is insta lled with Mastercam or can be obt ained from your local Reseller. Be sure you have the latest information! Information mi ght have been changed or added since this docum ent was pub lished.

Mastercam x5